Read data from Cassandra tables using Apache Spark

Apache Cassandra is an open source distributed database management system designed to handle large amounts of data across many commodity servers, providing high availability with no single point of failure. Cassandra offers robust support for clusters spanning multiple datacenters, with asynchronous masterless replication allowing low latency operations for all clients.... [Read More]
Tags: Cassandra, Cassandra Spark Integration, Hadoop, Integration, READ, Spark

Read records from HBase table using Java

hbase-client.jar will be used to get connected to HBase using Java and this is available in maven repository. The following dependency can be added in our pom.xml [Read More]
Tags: CRUD, HBase, Java HBase, Java HBase Integration, Read Records, SELECT

Configuring Apache Phoenix in CDH 5.x using Cloudera Manager

Apache Phoenix is an open source, relational database layer on top of noSQL store such as Apache HBase. Phoenix provides a JDBC driver that hides the intricacies of the noSQL store enabling users to create, delete, and alter SQL tables, views, indexes, and sequences; upsert and delete rows singly and... [Read More]
Tags: Apache Phoenix, Hadoop, HBase, JDBC, SQL Layer, Wrapper

Create MySQL Events / Schedulers

MySQL Event is, performing or executing some operation based on the specified or scheduled time. MySQL Events have been added from version 5.1.6 MySQL event scheduler is a process that runs in background and looks for events to execute. Before we create or schedule an event in MySQL, we need... [Read More]
Tags: Cron, Events, Mysql, Schedulers

Insert records into HBase table using Java

hbase-client.jar will be used to get connected to HBase using Java and this is available in maven repository. The following dependency can be added in our pom.xml [Read More]
Tags: Configuration, Insert, Integration, Java, Java HBase, Records, Table